Friday, March 2, 2012

Bence Kalozdi achieving goals

1. What situational obstacles might you face in trying to achieve your academic goal? (list at least two.)
I might not have enough time to do my homework, because there are other duties after a hard day than my homework, like helping my mom buying some groceries. Other than that could be that I'm too tired to do it, because I might have had to much homework last night so I'm exhausted, and I go to bed early.

2. How might you overcome these situational obstacles?
I come home earlier, so I have enough time to both help my family and do my homework. The other one is that I always do my homework on the same day I get it and not leaving it to the last minutes.

3. What emotional obstacles might interfere with your effort to achieve your academic goal? (list at least two.)
One is that I can be distracted really easily by external media like TV or computer. I like to keep long brakes between small study periods. The other is my fear of failure. I'm really careful about every one of my answers so I check them multiple times and that takes a lot of time for me, so I might not get over with the homework that day.

4. How might you overcome these emotional obstacles?
I'll either go to an environment where I can study quietly and be without any electrical devices, or I switch of every of my things which can distract me like TV, computer, radio, etc. I will overcome my fear of failure by leaving enough time by not getting distracted my any things like I said. I will only do other than studying after I finished my homework and made sure it is perfect and I made no mistakes.

5.What situational and emotional obstacles might interfere with achieving your personal goal, and how might you overcome these obstacles?
One situational obstacle can be that I don't have enough time to shoot, because the opponent team's defenders are so fast, that they easily tackle before I have the chance to shoot. I can overcome this obstacle by practicing the speed of my ball handling and shoot immediately when I get the ball, otherwise I wouldn't have enough time. An emotional obstacle can be the fear of failure, that what will my teammates say if I miss this open goal. This leads to failure and lack of confidence to risk anything in the team, like shoot. I can overcome this problem by believing in myself and not thinking about the consequences. In this way I don't fell the pressure on me so I can do my best.